Miles to go for thrown-away treasures…

I went dumpster-diving for the first time. Not my best moment, but it was necessary to retrieve some treasures Bud threw away when he was cleaning out his shed. He believed that anything I had left out there for eleven years without attention was fair game for the dumpster. He underestimated the meaning of some old, dirty bottles.  The Chocolate Soldier and the Tab bottle remind me of my granddaddy’s store in Georgetown, MS, where he always had a few stashed back for me in the ice box. The ink bottle and the medicine bottles were from who knows where, but were probably dug up on our farm. The cobalt blue bottle reminds me of the bottletree in Hazlehurst that an old woman had in her front yard to keep the evil spirits away.  All of the bottles were treasures, so a dive in the dumpster was necessary to preserve the memories.  Too bad, the folks at work caught me and shared a good laugh over the dive.

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Miles to Go for a Rescue of the Heart

I told this story first on Facebook on June 14, 2020. It is always mind-blowing to me that Zeke was such a part of Bud’s story. He stole Raquel’s heart, and helped rescue us all from the heartbreak of losing Bud.

About the first week of May, Raquel was visiting, and we talked a lot about COVID and how it affected each of us. Bud commented that he hadn’t experienced much change – except for adding a mask when he went to Walmart. Raquel was on furlough, and I was working from home, so both of our lives had changed a good bit. When she headed back to Wisconsin that weekend, she saw a white dog running down the middle of the highway near Bakersfield, MO. She picked him up so he didn’t get hit, and stopped at several houses to see if anyone knew where he lived. A nice man said that he saw the dog wandering the streets often, but he never had a collar on. He agreed to watch out for the white Pitbull but didn’t want to take him in. Raquel cried her way back to Wisconsin, worrying about the dog and wishing she had been able to do more. Over the next few weeks, Bud and I rode up to Bakersfield, looking for the dog in the same area where Raquel had seen him, but we never got a glimpse of him. We weren’t surprised when Raquel came back at the end of May looking for him again. They had an incredible connection that day when she got him off the highway.

After lots of knocking on doors, questions, and phone calls, she found the owner, a nice young man who said his circumstances had changed, and he just couldn’t keep up with the dog. He agreed to call Raquel if the dog ever showed back up at his house. She couldn’t make herself leave Bakersfield that last day, just searching and searching for this sweet dog who roamed the winding roads of Missouri. That was the day her dad had his heart attack. It was a blessing that she was close by when I called to tell her to turn around and come back, that he and I were on our way to the hospital.

All this time, with her dad in the hospital, Raquel has thought over and over about that white Pitbull. I told her I thought he was an angel who had done his job and brought her here to be near her dad. I didn’t think she would ever see him again. But, the very day Bud got out of ICU, her phone rang, and it was the owner of the Pitbull saying he had shown up after being missing for weeks. If she wanted him, he was her dog.

The owner brought him to me in Mountain Home, and I took him to the vet to get shots and neutered while Raquel got home from a birthday trip with her family to Colorado. Yesterday, Rebecca and I met her in St. Louis with Zeke, and she was reunited with the angel dog she had bonded with weeks ago. He never barked once on the trip, never seemed anxious, and slept like a baby in the bed with Raquel in a hotel in St. Louis that is connected to the hospital where Bud is.

We had a pleasant visit with Bud on the phone last night, and he seemed to remember the dog, our search for him, and was amazed that he now belonged to Raquel. It’s just one of the ways God has winked at us during this whole adventure. Zeke is at home now in Wisconsin. We can’t wait for Bud to be home, too, so Zeke can come to visit, and we can retell this story about a thousand times.

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Miles to go for a serendipitous moment…

A moment of real serendipity happened this weekend…

In 2015, we hosted Mike Farris and the Roseland Rhythm Revue at ASUMH. The band was one of my favorites to ever work with. They had an extra day in Mountain Home between performances, so they enjoyed golfing at Big Creek and fishing the White River.

Bud’s sister Rebecca Seawright came up for the concert and we all put together that one of the ladies in the band was from the Mississippi Delta. Needless to say, we bonded. We even sent her Buddy’s hot tamales through the U.S. Postal Service – not the best form of transport for tamales. That lady is Gale Mayes-Stuart and I love keeping up with her on Facebook.

This weekend, I was waiting to drive Wynonna’s band to the hotel when the door opened and I was shocked to know one of the musicians. It was the pianist for both Mike and Wynonna, Casey Martin. We both realized we knew each other at the same moment. We talked about the 2015 tour with Mike Farris and their visit to Mountain Home. He said, “there are some places you never forget.”

Casey called Gale in Nashville on speakerphone and we all got caught up – about Bud’s death, the Covid shutdown, and more. After that, I had a huge, heartfelt cry in the parking lot. It was a great day watching Casey with Wynonna’s band and it made me enjoy last night’s performance even more!

As the bus was loading up to leave Mountain Home last night, Casey and I hugged goodbye and talked one more time. He told me about losing his first son, and then his second son. He gave me advice about grief and assured me that I would get through this – somehow smiling through tears, showing up and doing life, all while my heart is completely shattered.

It is amazing how God puts people in your path who will mean the world to you. It’s a lesson about making connections and friends and loving people who come into your life.

It’s serendipity.

2 Cor. 12:7-10

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Miles to go for good hair days…

I always feel like I’m having a bad hair day…and today was no different. I had four important things to do today, two of which involved television shows, and I knew people would be analyzing my weight, hairstyle, clothes, etc.  They always do. Feeling awful about myself and how I looked, I charged ahead anyway and said, “what the heck?”

I did the 7 am television show and felt okay about it, although looking back at the tape, I wondered where that second chin came from.  At my lunch presentation, I smiled through my insecurity and as we were leaving, a very nice person said “I wanted to ask how you always look so pretty.” Day made.  At my 2:30 meeting, I got a compliment on my hair from a co-worker. WOW!  Day really made.

I did the 4:00 television show and the host said, “your hair looks great on the monitor.” WOW!  What I thought was a bad hair day turned out to be a fantastic hair day!  Never assume your personal insecurities are founded in reality or in how other people perceive you. Starting today, I am vowing to pay people compliments when I see something in them that I view as beautiful – after all, they might be having a bad hair day too.

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Miles to go for a miraculous meeting…


I was walking back to my office after a meeting this week when I saw a pretty lady in the hallway in The Sheid. She entered the office suite where I work about the same time I did and I asked her if I could help her with anything.  “Yes,” she said. She had two tickets in her hand to an upcoming show, The Hit Men, and wanted to buy one more.  I took the two tickets she had to see what seats she was in and as I read her name, my eyes filled with tears and I realized I knew her. I hadn’t seen her in 30 years, but she had been someone very special to me in my youth.

You see, in 1974, my grandmother took me on the vacation of a lifetime. She and I joined one of her closest traveling friends and set out for the Holy Land.  The friend happened to bring her college-age daughter along on the trip and, to me, she was the most beautiful girl I had ever seen.  Her long blonde hair, precious squeaky voice and collegiate clothes mesmerized me. To my delight, people on the trip thought we were sisters – I had long blonde hair back then, too.

After the adventure of a lifetime cruising the Mediterranean Sea together, we saw each other again a few times. Disappointingly, as life would have it, moves, jobs, and other stuff got in the way and we tried to keep in touch, but it wasn’t easy. She was a well-respected  pediatric therapist and I was trying to finish college and get a job. We didn’t have social media back then, so we had to rely on letters and phone calls and, eventually, we just lost touch.

I thought about her a thousand times and wondered what had happened to that sweet girl who treated me like a sister on that cruise. This week, there she was! Standing right front of me with two tickets to a show in Mountain Home, Arkansas, in the building where I worked. I mean, honestly!  What are the odds?  “Are you THE Diana Chiles from Jackson, Mississippi?” I asked her. She looked stunned, but nodded. Then, I explained who I was.

How the two of us got from Jackson, Mississippi, to Mountain Home is a miracle in itself; but the fact that I met her again the way I did, well….there just isn’t anything to call it BUT a miracle.  If my meeting had been 5 minutes longer, someone else would have helped her and I wouldn’t have known she lived here. If I hadn’t paid attention to that name, I would have breezed right past her and never realized we had such a connection.

God is one amazing choreographer. He had the movements of both of our days all set in motion long before we laid eyes on each other. He knew we would meet that day.

We had a big huge hug and laughed about it all. But, I got home and hit my knees in prayer of thanksgiving for God’s incredible hand in this. I have wished for years that I could talk to my grandmother to ask her questions and learn more about our trip through the Holy Lands.  I was too young to take notes or remember many of the special things we saw and did and today, I have so many questions about that part of the world.

Diana Chiles surprised me today and brought me three scrapbooks. In them were pages of notes and photographs that I have never seen of her, of my grandmother, and of myself at age 12. There was a photo of Jesus’ empty tomb; of Golgotha; of the Upper Room; of the Garden of Gethsemane; and of the Dead Sea. All the places we saw together and all my questions answered.

It will take me a while to process all of this, but for today, I am so grateful for this miracle. It’s been many years, and there have been many miles between us, but today my friend gave me an unbelievable gift….one of blessed memories.

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Miles to go for JA Superpowers…

JAVolunteerI just got home from another inspiring Junior Auxiliary meeting in Birmingham, AL.  It was the Annual Education Conference where new officers for the national association are chosen. My good friend Amanda Knauer was elected President and was installed in front of 600 women (and two men).  On each chair, Amanda left a card sharing her theme for the upcoming year…JA Superpowers!

plaque 001Imagine my surprise as Amanda told the crowd that she chose her theme based on a plaque I had given her years ago!  The plaque has a girl on a bicycle with the words “I am fairly certain that given a cape and a nice tiara, I could save the world.”

I am so proud of Amanda! To me, she has always had superpowers. She’s organized, she’s enthusiastic, she’s REAL, she’s loyal, she’s positive, she’s inspiring, and she’s SMART!  She will be a fantastic JA President.

Amanda sent me a copy of her speech, and I’m sharing a portion of it here in this blog. I hope it inspires you to find your superpower and to change the lives of children, wherever you are!
11152678_10152799029006669_1874604705588834220_nSeveral years ago our past President Christy Keirn gave me a cute little plaque that read, “I am fairly certain that given a cape and a nice tiara, I could save the world.” She said that it reminded her of me when she saw it and it truly does sum up my attitude when it comes to Junior Auxiliary. As I thought about my theme for this upcoming year, this plaque that hangs in my downstairs hallway kept popping into my head and I began to envision our members as superheroes – instead of a cape, we have our apron in Pantone Reflex Blue with the JA logo boldly emblazoned upon it.

Since I was a little girl, I have loved stories with heroes, especially if there was some kind of supernatural power involved. Some of my earliest memories of watching TV were episodes of Batman, The Bionic Woman, and Wonder Woman. When I first joined JA and learned our Prayer, I heard and listened to it with the reverence of an adult. As my girls grew older and my television habits began to change as they do when you have kids, I began to hear our prayer a little differently with the influence of the shows of my childhood creeping to the forefront.

Imagine… a Junior Auxiliary member armed with her apron as a cape, our logo and crown as her shield, and her hands on her hips in that stereotypical superhero stance as she seeks “to right the wrong” with “great daring”, keeping her “sympathies and insights ready, [her] will keen, [her] hands quick to help others in their need.” All the while, she goes where God has sent her as a “messenger to the hearts without a home, to the lives without love, to the crowds without a guide.” She rushes to the aid of the “children whom none have blessed, to the famished whom none have visited, and to the fallen whom none have lifted, [and] to the bereaved whom none have comforted.” If that doesn’t sound like the credo for a superhero, I don’t know what does.

As evidenced here tonight with the projects that we have honored, and the countless untold stories, each of you and your Chapters are heroes in your communities. Junior Auxiliary allows you to use your endless talents to make a difference in this world – in the lives of the hungry, the neglected, the lonely, and the hurting neighbors around you. Each of us have God-given talents – superpowers – that He expects us to use and our projects are an excellent place to put those talents to work. You can use your powers to change the world.

Can you start a project that gives books to children in need and helps them learn to read, beyond what they get in the classroom or at home? Imagine that one of those children develops a passion for reading and creative writing and is able to use those books to escape to countless worlds and write about countless more, maybe someday sharing them with the world. Could he or she become the next J.K. Rowling? Maybe that child becomes the first in their family to finish high school, giving them crucial skills to break a cycle of dependency? Either way, you’ve rewritten the future for that child.

Are you able keep a regular appointment to mentor a child and show them that there are adults that care about them because they truly care…not because they are paid to care about them as so many children unfortunately believe? Can you be a constant presence in their life and be one person that they can count on because the people in their home change so frequently and without warning? Can you teach them the meaning of trust? You have changed their outlook on this world. Maybe your influence is enough to keep them from joining a neighborhood gang and a life of crime. Maybe a young girl learns to believe her self-worth doesn’t come from other people and doesn’t end up as another teen pregnancy statistic.

Can you and your Chapter do a program on stranger safety? When you have a child tell you that they will never forget the lesson that a grown-up does not need a child’s help to find a missing dog, as one of our CSCs shared with me, or you teach them about Internet safety, there may be one less Amber Alert in the world because of you. Can you and your Chapter present a program on suicide prevention? Imagine that there are students, or even teachers, in the audience at that time who are feeling no hope and the phone number or website that you shared resonates with them. They choose to reach out for help instead of taking irreversible action. You have changed their family tree.

Can you tutor a child? Imagine that the child develops a passion for science because of your help, goes on to excel through college, and then goes on to develop a cure for cancer. You have helped to change the world for all of us.The list of possibilities is endless and you may not think that you have an amazing superpower. But…when someone has nothing and you give a little something of yourself, no matter how small you may think it is, even the smallest act can create huge changes in their life.

Several years ago, I heard the following quote in a Beth Moore Bible study:
“His holy hand resting on the least act renders the ordinary extraordinary.”

We start every Chapter meeting with the Junior Auxiliary Prayer. We invite God to send us where we are needed. We ask that he be present with us, and we ask him to arm us with the powers that we will need to carry out our tasks. He has equipped us with an amazing collective of superpowers in this room and within each of our Chapters.

With two young kids at home, we watch a lot of Disney movies and recently watched “Big Hero 6.” At the conclusion of the movie, the main character, Hiro, says, “We didn’t set out to be superheroes. But sometimes life doesn’t go the way you planned. The good thing is, my brother wanted to help a lot of people and that’s what we’re gonna do.” When I heard that, I couldn’t help but think of the women that make up Junior Auxiliary. We just want to help people.

Throughout this next year, I challenge you to find your superpower. What can you do? On your table are postcards. My daughter, Abby, helped me design these and drew a Junior Auxiliary member armed with her apron and cape. She’s got her hands on her hips, ready to go and her pants are covered in paint, showing that she’s not afraid of hard work and getting messy in the process. During this year, I would like for you to send those to Headquarters and share your stories with me. What did you learn about yourself or your Chapter?Remember that when you put on your service attire, be it an apron, smock, or shirt with that NAJA crown, you are a hero with extraordinary talents and you will change lives…it may be one person at a time, but there will be a ripple effect, changing more lives around those we serve.

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Miles to go to learn to blog…

I am teaching these 4 awesome women how to blog…

ASUMH has some interesting Community Education classes. This one is for people who want to learn to blog.  I’m honored to share my experiences as a blogger with these women and am excited about keeping in touch with them as we inspire each other to continue to blog.  Keep up with these ladies!  They are going to be amazing!

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Miles to go for Indian Marker Trees…

There is an old tree down at my favorite spot in Buffalo City that reminds me of a church pew. It bends low, and provides the perfect base for resting on its thick trunk along the ground. Recently, I took some visiting family and friends down to my favorite tree and explained how spiritual the setting felt to me…like I was sitting in sanctuary or on hallowed ground.  The backdrop of the cliffs at Buffalo City peeking through the trees looked like stained glass windows.

It wasn’t long before I got an email from my guests sharing a legend that might explain the sense of peace I feel when I am near that tree.  The story goes that over 150 years ago, Native American Indians purposefully deformed trees to mark their routes to important water sources. The trees were trained to bend to mark travel paths and many of them still stand today. That certainly makes sense, as Buffalo City is the spot where two significant rivers converge – the Buffalo and the White. As I think about the Osage and other tribes that walked the banks of these rivers, I realize that my  instinct was right. This tree does mark a hallowed spot.  For centuries, men have gathered here to fish and celebrate life. Even today, this Indian Marker Tree has led me to the waters too.


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Miles to go for chickens, purses, and glass…

There are some trips that are just tailor-made for the ladies…strolling through fall gardens, spending the night in a frilly Bed and Breakfast, wandering through a purse museum, and shopping, shopping and more shopping.  Recently two friends and I set off on such a trip and we agreed it was a darn near perfect girlfriend getaway.

DSC_0018My friends Jo Anne Dukes and Caroline Carroll are both fantastic gardeners. These two swap seeds and cuttings of plants all year long, and, while I appreciate the fruits of their labor, I’m not as into digging in the dirt as they are. My husband jokes that I am probably the only past-president of the McComb, MS, Garden Club to have a brown thumb.  My passion is arranging flowers, once somebody else has grown them, so when my gardening friends mentioned making a trip to P. Allen Smith’s farm, I had to be sure Allen was my kind of guy! One look at his website told me all I needed to know. While Moss Mountain Farm is 600 acres of pure gardening delight, it was the full access to his home, art studio, and barns (better known as Poultryville) that made me sure I didn’t want to miss this trip.

We set out on a Thursday morning before sunrise to make it to Moss Mountain Farm for the 11:00 tour.  A quick stop at Misty’s in Leslie, AR, to stock up on their famous fried pies, chocolate rolls, and peanut brittle was a good move, as we arrived at the farm before the gates even opened. Located about 30 minutes outside of Little Rock, both the drive to the farm and the setting itself are spectacular. When we spotted two enormous towers of pumpkins and a pumpkin house, we turned into girls just giddy with excitement.


While the farm is Allen’s personal residence, it is open to the public during the fall and holiday seasons. Our tour included a walk through the main home, built in 2007, which is reminiscent of the plantation homes along the Mississippi River. Styled after 19th century Greek Revival architecture, the home is situated with a front porch overlooking a centuries-old oak tree, while the back terraced gardens overlook the Arkansas River Valley.

DSC_0033The tour started in the front parlor where the walls are filled with Allen’s own paintings, as well as antiques mixed with comfortable seating. Huge silver bowls and apothecary jars filled with gourds, apples, and tiny pumpkins were everywhere. While Jo Anne and Caroline settled in to hear the history of the farm and its “green” features, I couldn’t help but sneak around the corner to play with Duncan, an adorable Scottish Terrier who seemed to know he was the perfect complement to the setting.


During the tour, we marveled at the number of books that were stacked on every flat surface, and that we hadn’t seen a television set anywhere!  After walking through the house and hearing about all of the gardens and animals that are tended on the farm, we realized there’s no time for watching television. P. Allen Smith and his crew are too busy filming television shows for the rest of us to enjoy.

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Throughout the house, we pointed out things we each loved – McCarty pottery from Mississippi, my favorite; giant pumpkin paintings, Caroline’s favorite; marble busts in straw hats, Jo Anne’s favorite. We all agreed we loved the huge copper bathtub on the screened-in sleeping porch, overlooking the Arkansas River – the perfect spot for enjoying a breeze and a nap!

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Once we covered two of the home’s three stories, we set out for the one-acre organic vegetable garden. Set with huge farm tables for a garden-to-table wedding reception in just a few days, the garden’s 12-foot-wide path led us past blackberry bushes, pepper plants, squash, and tomatoes.DSC_0200


Through a gate and beyond the rustic garden rows, the gravel trail led to a breathtaking 20,000 square-foot rose garden featuring a hand-forged wrought iron gate, an oval ring of live oak trees, Gothic garden houses, and the biggest purple salvia any of us had ever seen.


Leaving the rose garden and heading back up to the barn for lunch, we walked a rugged path, past a pond that swans Fred and Wilma call home. The barn isn’t just any barn, though. It is a beautiful event center, where a spectacular lunch of roasted sweet potato & feta salad was served with grilled organic chicken. Dessert – a scrumptious buttermilk pecan pie – was straight out of the P. Allen Smith cookbook, Seasonal Recipes from the Garden. The tables were lined with burlap, pumpkins, and mums – the perfect fall setting.  Jo Anne might have won a door prize, but I’m sure everyone at the luncheon would agree we all felt like winners!

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After lunch, we were free to wander the terraced gardens that lie behind the main house. Each wing of the gardens that run east and west along the river are divided into eight rooms, with a stone wall running against the hill.  The beds are full of interesting plants, but two octagonal structures filled with pumpkin tablescapes and dried topiary were my favorite terrace-garden secret.


Up a set of stairs and heading back toward the main house, we explored Allen’s personal art studio, a 350-square-foot dream of a room that doubles as a guest cottage. Just to the left of a fireplace, stood an easel with a giant squash painting he had left unfinished. Opposite the art studio on the back lawn is a summer kitchen, with its own fireplace and stainless-steel appliances. The space doubles as the set for the taping of many cooking segments for his television show, P.Allen Smith’s Garden Home. I recognized the orange dishes and yellow stoneware from videos I had seen of Allen making everything from homemade house cleaners to hushpuppies!

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From what our guide said, Allen’s real passion is chickens, however, so we knew we had to make the long walk down to Poultryville. The farm hosts a spring poultry workshop where you can order birds from Moss Mountain and Allen even founded a charity, the Heritage Poultry Conservancy,  to preserve rare strains of birds and encourage youth education, stewardship and solid breeding practices. On the way to Poultryville, we passed South African Dorper sheep grazing and a cottage that was created by Allen in just 150 days for $150,000 during a filmed garden home challenge. Allen’s brother and sister-in-law live in the home with their family and are active on the farm. There is also a barn for swans and goats – my favorite.


We were glad we wore comfortable shoes on this trip, as there was a lot of ground to cover, but we wouldn’t have missed one thing at the farm and decided we had to visit again in the spring, when more than 280,000 daffodils are in bloom.  After shopping for autographed cookbooks and other garden treasures in the gift shop, we said goodbye to Allen’s sister-in-law Joyce, who had been so good to us as we arranged our visit. We hated to go, but the farm closes at 3:00 to the public, so Allen and others can actually live there!


We made our way back to Little Rock to the bed and breakfast where Caroline had made reservations for us to spend the night.  The Empress of Little Rock’s magnificent (and massive) Victorian architecture has been recognized as the most important existing example of Gothic Queen Anne style regionally and as the best example of ornate Victorian Architecture in Arkansas by the National Register of Historic Places. Made exclusively of Arkansas materials, the home has served as a college and nursing home, and stood vacant after the Depression.  Today, owners Bob and Sharon have created a multi-award winning AAA Four Diamond treasure.


It was the first time Jo Anne and Caroline had stayed at a B&B, so we explored  each guest room, excited to find our own. The two of them shared the octagonal Washburn-Welch room named for Presbyterian ministers who are said to have preached the first sermon west of the Mississippi. They were especially taken with the room’s antique twin beds and claw foot tub. I was spoiled and had my own room, The Petit Jean, named for a young French girl who legend says stowed away as a cabin boy in the 1700’s to be with her love as he sailed for the new world. Arriving in Arkansas, the girl became ill and her identity was revealed. The room’s ornately carved bed was done up in blues and whites – a nod to the nautical romance of the story. My favorite features in the room were the sitting area and in-room marble sink.


After exploring the Inn and even finding a secret room in the attic where the men used to hide away to play cards, we headed downtown to check out One Eleven, a new restaurant and bar at the Capital Hotel.  We were surprised to find a quartet from the Arkansas Symphony entertaining in the lobby of the hotel, so we grabbed a seat to enjoy the music. Our waitress was kind enough to share the recipe for Mulled White Wine Sangria – a delicious concoction of fresh Golden Delicious apples, fresh Bartlett pears, and Clementine segments macerated with Quady Orange Muscat, Strub Spätlese Riesling and a homemade mulling spice blend.  As we talked through the recipe and where we might find these ingredients in the Twin Lakes Area, she mentioned she was a native of Mountain Home! Small world, indeed.


We made our way back for dinner at South on Main, a cool venue for musical and literary performances with southern cuisine. My hot chicken liver salad with blue cheese and bacon was to die for!  Jo Anne had fried green tomatoes and Caroline ordered Charred Romaine with Israeli Couscous, Shitake & Grilled Onions. Everyone raved about what they had, but we all saved room for sweets which are described as “Jar,” “Cookies,” or “Doughnuts.” The jar, layered parfaits of chocolate looked great, but Jo Anne and Caroline preferred the Chocolate Chip Cookies with ice cream filling and I went for the doughnuts which were deep-fried lemon lusciousness served with confectioner’s sugar like beignets.

Satisfied, we headed back to The Empress, just a couple of blocks away, where our beds were turned down and Amoretto and chocolates were left for us.  We didn’t stay up long, however, as we were exhausted from the day’s fun, and we couldn’t wait for breakfast!


The next morning at 8:30 in the beautiful dining room, we were joined by a couple from Alabama on their way to see their daughter in Fayetteville, and a man from California who was in town to visit friends. As is customary at B&B’s, we enjoyed sharing stories of our lives and our travels and played the “do you know” game as we enjoyed coffee together. The first course was served in beautiful china bowls and was a scrumptious fresh fig soup, made from figs off the fig trees on the grounds. The main course was a cheese strata, sausage, butternut squash quiche, and fresh fruit – all delicious!


It was hard to pull away from our new friends and The Empress, but we had plenty more fun planned for the day. After checking out, we headed back down South Main and made a stop at Esse Purse Museum, one of just three dedicated purse museums in the world. Amsterdam and Seoul couldn’t have anything on Little Rock’s museum, which is as much about women, as it is a century of handbags. We all agreed that a look at what women carried inside their purses in each decade was as interesting as the more than 270 handbags we saw. Decade by decade, the museum told the story of women through the bags they carried  and the things  they tucked inside. Esse, which grew out of a traveling exhibit selected from owner Anita Davis’ extensive collection of handbags, is housed in a historic building in the hip SoMa neighborhood.


We loved the history and the stories of the decades featured, and told stories of our own memories the purses conjured of the decades. As Esse says, “a woman’s purse is the container of her essence, the sacred, private space that holds her identity, her valuables, her memories, her dreams, her mystery.”


Each of us had a favorite decade – Jo Anne’s seemed to be the beaded bags of the 1920’s, mine the clutches popular in the 1930’s, and Caroline’s the jeweled evening bags in a special exhibit.  We spent the most time checking out the skins – exotic Alligator, crocodile, ostrich, snake, shark, and calf.  The travel exhibit brought back memories of trips we all enjoyed through the years and elicited squeals of “I had one of those!” from us and from other women who were also enjoying the small museum.  The gift shop is worth a visit to Esse if you are looking for unique gifts or quirky one-of-a-kind pieces – scarves, jewelry, books, and of course, purses.


From Esse, we headed downtown toward the river and all the shops in the River Market area before spending some time at Heifer International’s headquarters where Caroline bought a beautiful fair trade shawl and hammered silver bracelet. Docents let us wander the exhibits that tell the story of Dan West’s vision for the 70-year old nonprofit. West’s vision of donating livestock to small-scale farmers throughout the world, so that impoverished nations can be transformed, is told beautifully in lobby exhibits at the Little Rock headquarters. The stories of Heifer’s work in more than 30 countries around the world is impressive and all of us were happy to have the organization’s holiday gift catalog so that we could consider a Heifer gift this Christmas.


The Clinton Presidential Center was our final stop to view an art exhibit by Dale Chihuly, who is renowned for his architectural glass installations in cities, gardens, and museums around the world.  The exhibit featured an enormous fountain installation called Red Reeds, a giant room-sized exhibit titled Mille Fiori, a series of sea forms and a giant tower of glass in the Sky Lobby. The color of the glass and its fluid forms were stunningly beautiful. Just seeing the Chihuly’s was a treat, but it’s always fun to visit the permanent exhibits at the Clinton Center, like the Cabinet Room, the full-scale Oval Office, and the exhibits that highlight life in the Clinton White House and their personal mementos and keepsakes.


Lunch in Forty Two, the on-site restaurant named for Clinton’s spot as the forty-second President, was the perfect end to our visit. Even a cheeseburger (The Big Kahuna) in Forty Two is a real treat topped with grilled pineapple, black forest ham and melted pepper jack cheese.  We all shared sweet potato fries with a spicy strawberry jam and marveled over the 5-Spice Salmon Salad with pickled grapes, curried peanuts and baby arugula that Caroline was smart enough to order.


We couldn’t leave Little Rock without making one last stop at Tipton & Hurst, the Granddaddy of all florists in Little Rock.  They were stocked full of fall gifts and decor and were getting the Christmas trees primped for their holiday open house.  The florist, founded in 1886, is known for their award-winning team of floral designers and resources that include premier suppliers from around the world. We left with silver pumpkins, twig cornucopia, and delicious Arkansas-made What’s Cookin’ dip mixes sure to  make our holiday get-togethers meet even P. Allen Smith’s standards!


Sometimes getaways close to home are just as special as those to exotic locations far from home, especially when made with good girlfriends. This trip was one of those, thanks to the grandeur of Moss Mountain Farm and the hospitality of The Empress of Little Rock, coupled with great museums and fantastic food found in Arkansas’ capital city, Little Rock.

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Miles to go to Top of the Rock…

DSC_0827Several years ago, when I moved to the Ozarks, I asked around for a special place to celebrate my husband’s birthday. More than one person told me Top of the Rock at Big Cedar was just the place – it was a fairly short drive, served incredible food, and had a rustic, romantic atmosphere. Unfortunately, a kitchen fire that year caused the restaurant to close before we could visit. I’ve had plenty of other great times at Big Cedar through the years, however – girlfriend getaways and celebration dinners at the resort’s other great restaurants, like Devil’s Pool (think fried chicken livers and smoked trout with a stunning view of Table Rock Lake).

One afternoon recently, I was ecstatic to receive an email message saying that after a seven-year renovation, Top of the Rock was reopening. I called my friend JoAnne Dukes and told her we had to head to Big Cedar – ASAP. JoAnne was celebrating her 55th wedding anniversary that week and I was graduating with a master’s degree (at age 51!) so we both felt like celebrations were in order! We loaded the car and headed toward Branson, not really knowing what to expect. Our minds were blown by what we found at Top of the Rock.

The email said that Top of the Rock would include an Ancient Ozarks Natural History Museum, which I knew JoAnne would adore. She’s always doing research on the history of the Ozarks, genealogy and such. When we walked through the lobby door of Top of the Rock and were face to face with the skeleton of a 10-ton giant woolly mammoth, we were both speechless! As you walk under and past the exhibits, you feel like you are in Chicago’s Field Museum, and for a reason – they were created by Blue Rhino Studio, the firm that assisted with the exhibitions in the Field.

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The museum was still under construction when we were there in June, but when finished, it will house one of the largest collections of Native American artifacts in the world. It will lead visitors through a chronological history of the Ozarks through artifacts, images, text, and video. Besides the woolly mammoth, there is a saber tooth cat, giant ground sloth skeleton, and prehistoric cave bears.

The museum experience doesn’t end in the lobby. The restaurants themselves are like incredible museums you don’t want to leave. Take Arnie’s Barn, for example. It’s the more casual dining option at Top of the Rock serving Mexican fare. The restaurant itself is a 150-year old barn that was brought from golfing legend Arnold Palmer’s hometown in Pennsylvania and reconstructed on-site by a local Amish family. Some of the timbers from the barn – which included now-extinct American chestnut – are so old, historians are carbon dating them. It is believed that when the barn was built 150 years ago, some of the wood was already well over 100 years old. The vaulted ceilings with 46-foot timbers and floor-to-ceiling windows look out over a nine-hole Par-3 golf course designed by Jack Nicklaus. In fact, at the back of the bar, you’ll find a life-size mount of a 1,358 pound black marlin caught by Nicklaus off the Great Barrier Reef in Australia. It is the fourth largest fish by weight – and still the largest by measurement (15 feet 6 inches) – ever caught on a rod and reel. Everywhere you look, there are wonders to behold!

Another wonder to behold at Arnie’s Barn, I later found out when JoAnne and I returned for our second trip with two other friends, Shelley Crutcher and Lee Kothe, are the margaritas. The girls stuck with the house favorite “Arnie’s Margarita” which had a splash of orange juice, but I went straight for the Watermelon margarita with fresh watermelon puree. Everyone agreed mine was over-the-top fantastic! If we had been braver, or had more time, we would have tried the Habanero Lime Margarita or the Ozark Mountain Margarita, which featured a blood orange liqueur, a cinnamon rim, and an orange. Next time…

DSC_0801We found that the food was as delicious as the margaritas. Dos Equis Battered Cod Tacos with Mexico City Street Corn on the Cob and Grilled All Natural Chicken Enchiladas were favorites.

You need time to linger, because the golf pro shop and the grounds themselves are spectacular. We were told there were 17 fireplaces at Top of the Rock – some inside, some out. The one in Arnie’s Barn is big enough to walk right into. The outdoor sculpture and fish ponds will have you mesmerized, but the focal point, at the end of a long covered walkway, is an infinity pool that appears to drop off into Table Rock Lake with a stunning silhouette of James Earle Fraser’s sculpture, End of the Trail.

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Osage Restaurant is the “cornerstone dining experience” at Top of the Rock. It overlooks the infinity pool and has sweeping views of the Ozark Mountains and Table Rock Lake. JoAnne and I couldn’t even take in all of the custom artwork and native artifacts. Every detail in the restaurant is of unparalleled beauty. When we exhausted ourselves (and felt we had walked every inch of the restaurant), we settled at table 11 – a prime spot for watching the sunset over the infinity pool. I ordered pan roasted Rockbridge trout amandine, featuring trout from the beautiful fresh spring water at Rockbridge Trout and Game Ranch in Rockbridge, Missouri, while JoAnne ordered brown sugar glazed cedar plank salmon with garlic spinach orzo and Missouri grown heirloom tomato & olives. We agreed, it was one of the best meals we have ever had, made even more special by a visit with Johnny Morris, creator of Top of the Rock, Big Cedar and Bass Pro Shops.

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While he’s listed on the Forbes 400 list as a Billionaire (capital B), he walked the floor of Osage Restaurant visiting with guests as if he were still working in his daddy’s Springfield, MO, liquor store, Brown Derby, in his denim shirt with a Bass Pro Shop emblem on the chest. “Are you enjoying yourselves?” he asked JoAnn and me. “Lord, yes!” we said. “Great! Tell all your friends to come see us,” he said, as he strolled on to the next table.

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Amazed that THE Johnny Morris had just asked how we liked our dinner, we walked off our meal by following a stone-lined stairwell that leads to the Buffalo Bar, where Rod Stewart look-alike Don Audette sang in a raspy voice that was a dead-ringer for Rod. While it was tempting to sit and enjoy the music, JoAnn pulled me along through the fabulous “End of Trail” All-American Wine Cellar, which has its own tasting bar, whiskey room and a vault of American wines. We rounded the corner at the perfect moment to catch the bright orange sun setting behind the slumped American Indian on horseback. We were speechless.

It was the perfect ending to a perfect celebration – of hers, of mine, and of the breathtaking Ozarks JoAnn and I both love and call home.

Note: In the coming weeks, Top of the Rock will feature a two and a half mile ride in an electric cart through Lost Canyon Nature Trail. Johnny Morris spent hundreds of hours walking the land and painstakingly cutting a trail that would bring visitors into contact with dramatic features of nature such as stunning rock formations, beautiful views of Table Rock Lake, and driving through the remarkable Lost Canyon Cave, with its spectacular waterfalls. Be sure to notice the primitive hand painted directional signage. Johnny Morris (Capital B), painted every one himself.

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